Recent Works
Work Lives From The Future
Building the muscle of expansive imagining for post-school futures.
Mashup | CLA + The Futures Wheel
Could we map 2nd + 3rd Order Implications of Emerging Technologies using a combination of CLA and The Futures Wheel?
The Pluriversal Chronicles
An invitation to radically reimagine futures possible.
Energy Meter
Reframing everyday objects as future artifacts
Designs for the Pluriverse
Arturo Escobar's Manifesto for Radical Interdependence, Autonomy and the Making of Worlds.
Post-Capitalist Feminism
A systems exploration of Nancy Fraser
Civic Imagination
Transforming Governance for a Connected Future.
The Wild Evercard
A millennium from now, in a world characterised by continued growth, there is a gift related to the environment that evokes a feeling of hope.
BreatheSkin # 3006
Found in a secondhand clothing store in 2074.
A New Social Operating System
What role might art play in our ability to imagine alternative positive human futures?
A Hypothesis of Change
Exploring potential forces of change shaping emergent futures within the art ecosystem
Possible Art Futures
Three Stories of (Post) Growth, power, Art, Ecology and Activism
How might the future role and value of Visual Art be transformed in a post-digital world?
Exploring the Digital Art EcoSystem
Critical Tensions and Transformations Emerging within the Digital Art EcoSystem
Will a crypto-based art economy ever fulfil its promise of emancipation from the historical systems of access, power and value?
The Future of Visual Art in a Post-digital World
Three Stories of (Post)Growth, Power, Art, Ecology and Activism
Enhance Your Horizon Scanning Practice with Digital Tools
A remote skill-building session developed for the Association of Professional Futurists exploring digital tools and workflows to transform the futures research process.
Indigenous Environmental Stewardship
To halt further destruction of the biosphere, we need to transform our relationship with nature.
Building a Scan Library
Given the number of scans you'll collect and the frequency with which you'll add to your database; taking a moment to consider your setup is time well spent.
A Brave & Generous New World
The Future of Indigenous Environmental Stewardship is Shared.
The Rewilding of Humanity
The Future of Indigenous Environmental Stewardship is Re(Wild).
The Law of Finite Resources
The Future of Indigenous Environmental Stewardship is not Earth-bound.
The Little Education System That Could
A Hopeful Story About Education Transformation.
Australian Education Technology Futures
A future-focused exploration of the potential future role of pedagogical technology in the Australian secondary school learning environment.
This School Does Not Exist
If you want to see the future you have to go to the edges. Welcome to Future School.
Reimagining Education
How might we reimagine the concept of expertise within possible futures?
Food Futures
A Lifeline to Community.
Foresight Resources
What if we could create a tech-enabled workflow to supercharge our futures research?
The radical transformation of a small global architectural hardware design niche.
Human-centred Healthtech.
Indie Kids - Concept # 1
Radical creative learning ideas for curious Indie kids.
Neurodiversity Resources
Online resources for small neurodivergent humans.
Political Notion
Digital Organising Tools for Changemakers.
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